Saturday, May 17, 2008

Family outing #1

This morning we had our first non-medical related family outing. After having a nice breakfast and getting the kids fed and sleepy we loaded them up in their car seats and dropped into the double snap-n-go. We didn't go too far, just down to the bike path and back, maybe two miles total, but it felt great to get everyone out of the house and moving after pretty much just sitting here for the past couple of weeks. The weather was perfect as it was sunny and warm but with a slight breeze and they slept the whole time. We ran in to a bunch of our neighbors along the way who had already gotten the whole story from either Nana or Grandpa Mike and everybody loved the kids. Nana happened to drive by while we were walking so we got our first family action shot which I'll post as soon as she sends it to us. Overall the trip was a smashing success and will hopefully lead to more and farther outings.