Welcome to my blog. This is sort of a branch off of the blog my wife and I had during her pregnancy called AllTheToys. I figured since I'm their dad and they are now here in the world, I should have my own blog to describe my experiences with them. I'm doing this for me and them so hopefully once they are old enough I'll have some great stories to share with them. I guess to start I explain they were born on May 1st, which was about 2 weeks ahead of schedule.
Sarah came out first @ 3:36pm and weighing in at 5lbs 11oz followed by her brother Matthew @ 3:38pm who was 5lbs 5oz. I was in the operating room and opted to see them pulled out from Erin by the doctor and it was the most amazing thing i have ever seen. I would highly recommend it to any dad to be. By the time we left the hospital 4 days later, they had both lost about 10% of their body weight which was within the normal tolerance for getting out. Both seem happy and healthy are what we always dreamed of.- will